In 2017 I published a blog post highlighting published case studies using mitochondrial DNA. It was updated in early 2019, and now it’s time for another update! Journal articles Henningfield, Melinda Daffin. “A Family for Mary (Jones) Hobbs Clark of Carroll County, Arkansas.” National Genealogical Society Quarterly 107 (March...
The Case of the Disappearing Daughters, Part 2
In Part 1 of this post, I described my search for the daughters of James M. Galt (1849-1939) and showed how the probate record of the girls’ maternal grandfather David West (1823-1898) provided key information about their married names and whereabouts, information that enabled me to trace all but...
The Case of the Disappearing Daughters, Part 1
Several years ago I developed a talk called “Grandpa’s Probate Solves the Case of the Disappearing Daughters,” based on what I learned from the probate records of David West (1823-1898)....
Case Studies using Mitochondrial DNA
Finding female ancestors often challenges researchers! DNA–both autosomal and mitochondrial–is a powerful tool for identifying the often-hidden women in our family tree, and case studies–illustrations of how researchers have solved particular kinds of problems–help us learn how to use new methods and tools in our own research. Here is...