In Part 1 and Part 2 of this post, I talked about my search for the daughters of James M. Galt James M. Galt (1849-1939). Part 1 showed how the probate record of the girls’ maternal grandfather David West (1823-1898) provided key information that allowed me to complete the...

Trying a New Tool for New York Immigration Records
MyHeritage ( is an Israeli-based family history website that offers record searches, family trees, and DNA testing. The company’s strengths include participation by many genealogists from outside the U.S. and high-performance technologies for matching and search described here. Recently MyHeritage announced the addition of Ellis Island and other New...

Observing the 4th of July, 2017
The 4th of July–the nation’s birthday, independence, parades, fireworks, picnics and cookouts, family gatherings. For genealogists and family historians, it’s a chance to savor our family’s role in creating our great country, and share it. Maybe our ancestors arrived in one of the original thirteen colonies, or maybe they...