1940 Census Indexing Update

Thanks to more than 137,000 volunteers, the 1940 census is seventy-five percent indexed, months ahead of schedule! Volunteers have indexed over 105 million names, and twenty-nine states and territories are searchable online.[1. Dennis Brimhall, “CEO Corner: Volunteers and the 1940 Census Effort,” FamilySearch Blog (https://familysearch.org/blog/ceo-corner-volunteers-1940-census-effort/ : accessed 1 July 2012).]
Now the 1940 Census Community Project has announced a challenge–can indexers achieve a Five Million Record Day tomorrow? Mark your calendars and set your clocks! The challenge starts at midnight UTC (that’s Coordinated Universal Time, also known as Greenwich Mean Time) July 2. That’s 7 PM CDT Sunday July 1 here in Minnesota. If you’re not in Minnesota, check for local start times on the 1940 census blog or on the Facebook event page.
All you have to do is log in and index or arbitrate one or two extra batches during the twenty-four hour period of the challenge.
Haven’t started indexing yet? It’s easy and fun. Click here to get started.
