In my family, there were five of us—my parents married in 1950, and I was born the same year, in California, while my father, a serving naval officer, was deployed to Korea. My brother was born in 1955 in Annapolis, while my father was on the staff of the...

Gearing up for fall 2016
Wow! It’s hard to believe, but we’re already almost at the end of August. Here in Minnesota the weather has been in the 60s and 70s, giving us our first taste of the cooler weather ahead. I thought I’d give you a taste of what I’m up to and...

Teaching Adult Learners
The majority of us who teach family history research are teaching adults. Adult learners are a special, highly diverse group. There is a huge amount of research and information about characteristics of adult learners available–a Google search today for the phrase “adult learners” brought up 11.9 million results! A...

Summertime, and It’s Time to Travel!
It’s summer, and I’m on the road again. So far this summer I’ve attended my second season at the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh at La Roche College in Pittsburgh’s North Hills. This time I was a student in Law School for Genealogists, led by Judy G. Russell, JD,...

It’s Conference Time!
This evening is the opening of the Minnesota Genealogical Society’s TechTrek Conference, featuring Thomas MacEntee. I have been working on the planning team since last fall. We had a wonderful group from the three co-sponsoring societies–the Minnesota Genealogical Society, the Czechoslovak Genealogical Society International, and the Pommern Regional Group...